ToolBelt app is bridging the gap between construction workers and construction jobs. A startup company reaches more than 600 users in just two months launch. I was engaged in the midway of the app development and took the lead of its visual wireframe and prototyping to a newer look.

- They already have a strong backend wireframe, some visual hierarchy would help.
- They already have a strong backend wireframe, some visual hierarchy would help.
Target Audience
- Their target audience is construction workers, buttons and font have to be easy to navigate.
- Their target audience is construction workers, buttons and font have to be easy to navigate.
- Navigation needs to be simpler, try to eliminated extra steps to get to a page.
- Navigation needs to be simpler, try to eliminated extra steps to get to a page.
Brand Consistency
- Setting the brand consistency in the beginning of the app is important for the brand awareness.
- Setting the brand consistency in the beginning of the app is important for the brand awareness.