I started to look into locally grown foods. About a month ago I decided to give Imperfect Produce a try, but I have to unsubscribed after 3 weeks because it’s not environment friendly and it’s not local. Then I went on purchasing from local farmers market which wasn’t the most economical but great quality. However, I can’t afford shopping at farmers market all the time. Spoken to my family and friends about this project, my aunt gives me 2 wooden beds to grow my own foods. I think it’s fit into my cost-efficient and environmentally friendly goal. Started research into small home gardening and found the list below for seasonal seeding. It was a meaningful experiment, therefore, I created this zine to share my experience and using language that are fun and engaging. Meeting a few goals in this eco-change experience, started to be mindfulness about my buying habit, concern about my carbon-footprint, saw the platform to inspire others with my design skills and last but not least I’m growing my own foods!